Primordial Germ Cell (PGC)
- It is pluripotent
- Synthesized by epiblast in 2nd week → Migrate to endodermal wall yolk sac in 4th week → Reach the gonads by 5th week
- Sometimes the PGC reach the neck region (craniopharyngeal teratoma) and sometimes they migrate to the region between sacrum and coccyx (sacrococcygeal teratoma). The term “Teratoma” is used because of the plueripotency of the PGC.
Terms :
Totipotency :
- Ability to form entire embryo and extra embryonic tissue
- Upto 8 cell stage every cell is totipotent
Plueripotency :
- Ability to form all germ layers
Multipotency :
- Form more than one category of cells
- Hematopoietic stem cells
Oligopotency :
- Form one category of cell
- Vascular stem cells
Unipotent cells :
- Form only one type of cell
- Liver cell
Meiosis takes place two times – meiosis 1 and meiosis 2.
Prophase → Metaphase → Anaphase → Telophase.
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